is a mandatory programme on sustainability for all directors of companies listed on the Main & ACE markets of Bursa Malaysia. Before we get started, please enter your company details to find out your eligibility for this programme.
Not sure about your stock code? Please click HERE to find out.
Become an ICDM corporate member to enjoy a 10% discount (up to 5 directors for 2024). Please reach out to ICDM Membership Team (+603 2202 2022 / for more details.
Notice: Under Budget 2024, it was proposed that the Service Tax rate would be increased from 6% to 8%, effective 1 March 2024. This is in line with the announcement made by the Royal Malaysian Customs Department on the changes to the tax rate on 7 February 2024. In view of the above, all our services will be subject to a Service Tax of 8% effective 1 March 2024.